January 31, 2012

China's ghost cities

where 'over heated' economy is mentioned,
as well as social polarisation,
and there's reference to a bubble about to burst

1 comment:

  1. This short documentary is related to the new cities in china, designed by ''ghost cities''. Like it says here, every year are discovered about 10 new cities in china; the chineses are building these cities with shoppings, universaties, skyscraper everything that we can imagine but have a problem, in the cities nobody live because everything there is to expensive and that cities aren't adapted to the life of the chineses.....china is now considered one of those large powerful economy,some said that they are a true consumers but i don't think that is true because a big part of the chineses have to deal with the poverty and the shoppings in those cities are so empty that we don't see anybody making shops because they don't have cash sufficiently to give this luxury to live there. And one moore time, the governament sucks...don't do anything to stop this.
    One curiously question is, why they continue to insist in building those cities, making that skyscraper? hummmmm....maybe, in my opinion, is for increase their PIB or simply to seems like they are the best in the world.


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