Try not to change the predefined font type (it's visually 'aggressive'...) This is done by pasting the copied text (from a 'word doc', for example) in the mode "editar HTML"
Avoid large sized images and video clips, etc): it will make it harder to access the blog. If you click on the selected image, you can opt for a 'small' or 'medium' size; there's also an option for placing it (left, centre, right) or adding a caption (adicionar legenda)
posting videos from youtube :
at the bottom of the video clip on YT, there's an instruction: 'partilhar'. Click on it, the URL will appear ( but also another instruction: 'incorporar'. Click on it and copy the code - ex:
Finally, go to your post; click on "editar HTML" Copy the video code. Then U can change the size, (still in the HTML mode, altering the 'with' and 'height' numbers. After that, go back to the 'redigir' mode to see how it looks.
- Post old assignments on the respective pages (comments to films, texts about languages, etc)
- When quoting (pasting a text from another URL), be sure to identify the source! (use « ... » marking the beginning and the end); write the word 'source' after the quotation and put a link there.) .. Please don't give me a hard time trying to figure out what is really yours and what is 'imported' from somewhere else..
- Besides, the quotation should be as short as possible, just an introduction. What matters in this type of assignments is what you write, your own texts!! That's what U' re going to be assessed on!!
Don't use abbreviated forms (e.g. 'cause), deviations from norm (e.g. 'cose) or any kind of mail/SMS language: it's too informal and the type of assignments you' re given are supposed to be written in formal language and preferably in British English. ------- (e.g. = example given) (***)
Informal language is OK:
- in posts like this one (sort of a chat with friends.:-)
- in small texts you write as comments to/information about - films, pictures, ..., that you decide to post
- when specifically instructed to do so
Finally, remember: this blog is part of the "WRITING" skill (3/20). So.. when you post something rather than a comment, essay, etc, be sure to include some lines - as some of you have been doing (explaining, for example, the intention/purpose/content of the included film, song, etc)
(***) I'm going to create a new page [Englishes] regarding different spelling or words in British and American English. You can /should enrich the page with your contribution!!
BTW (by the way): will you please ....
- read my comments to your posts? :)
- follow the instructions there?
- add some comments of your own - in your or others' posts?
- read my posts? :)
....and also ... have a serious, frequent look at the useful links on the right column of this blog? - there's sth new there about English grammar, vocabulary, etc, etc
.. anything 4 U, C? :-))
ok, teacher